Sign and request electronic signatures of contracts and other documents

Simplify the management of your contracts and signatures using Autentique free up to 20 documents per month

Imagem representando a plataforma
Imagem representando um celular do usuário
Imagem representando um computador do usuário

How it works

Select the file or template

Select the file or document template that you would like to sign. You can now send everything ready for signature in doc, docx, PDF format... Or create a document template with custom fields that you fill in before sending to the signers.

Arrastando um arquivo para dentro do sistema

Indicate the signers and check out the additional validations

Fill in who will be the people who will sign the document. The document can be sent for signature via Email, WhatsApp, or SMS automatically through Autentique, or you can generate a signature link to send to the signer yourself.

You can include additional ways to validate the signer, independently for each one. If you need greater security in relation to that person or have any suspicions, such as: Telephone confirmation via token; Facial biometrics and Identification document verification.

Informando dados do signatário

Place the signatures

You can choose where each signer's signature will appear on the document. Just place the signature field in the appropriate place and, when that person signs, their signature will appear there.

Posicionando campos de assinatura no documento

Wait for the document to be signed

Everything's ready! The signer will automatically receive the message asking for your signature and we will let you know as soon as they sign. All documents and each copy of the contract are kept in Autentique, so you can rest at ease!

How it works for the signer
Itens do layout que mostram informações de status por cada signatário
Select the file or template
Start by selecting the document that you would like to sign or request a signature directly from the Autentique dashboard
Indicate the signatories
Fill in the people who will sign the document, you can define the forms of validation for each one (biometrics...)
Place the signatures
If you want the signatures to appear somewhere in the body of the document, just indicate the location of each one at this stage
Wait for signatures
Everything ready! You have already submitted your first document for signature. We'll let you know as soon as it's signed

Access the email or signature link

Access your email or the signature link sent by the person or company that is requesting your signature. Autentique will automatically send an email or SMS or WhatsApp to you, with a button to access and sign the document. The person requesting your signature can also send the link manually to you, by WhatsApp or other means.

Exemplos de formas de acessar o documento

Read and sign the document

When you access the signature link, you can read the document and at the bottom of the screen there will be a “sign” button, just click on it to start the signing process.

Documento com um botão de assinar

Fill in the data on the screen and carry out the verification if necessary

Fill in the information requested by Autentique (name and date of birth) to sign the document. If necessary, perform biometric verification by taking a selfie. This data will be inserted into the document's action history to identify you.

Documento com um formulario sobreposto para preencher informações antes de assinar

Personalize your signature

Almost there! All you have to do is select the appearance of your signature, you can use one generated by Autentique based on your name, design your own signature, upload an image of it, or use an “electronically signed” tag.

How to request a signature
Documento com um formulario de escolher o formato do assinatura e com o botão de assinar
Access the signature message
Start by accessing the email, SMS, WhatsApp or link requesting your signature
Read and sign the document
When you access the signature link, you will be able to read the document and at the bottom of the screen there will be a “sign” button
Fill in the data
Complete the information requested by Authenticate and carry out the necessary checks to sign the document
Personalize your signature
Almost there! All that remains is to select the appearance of your subscription. You can customize it in your own way

Some of the largest companies and government agencies trust Autentique

Our experience allowed us to help companies and government agencies to simplify your signature process and manage your documents with confidence.

Create an account
Icone de um conjuntos de usuários
5 million+
People use Autentique
Icone em formato de prédio
Companies use the
Ícone em formato de uma balança
Government agencies

What people say about Autentique...

We have collected over than 200,000 periodic reviews of Autentique to assess user satisfaction and guide us in implementing new features that matter to our community


Net Promoter Score


CSAT - Costumer Satisfaction

William Rubio Scardua Vitor

Easy to use the system. Many customers are happy to sign electronically.

Victor Dellorto Toscano

Everything works great, friendly interface, amazing staff, good essence, you guys are great! With this attitude in the face of the pandemic, they impressed me even more! Thank you!

Sergio Marques De Oliveira

Lunis Accounting Network

Tremendous ease... how I would like this modality to be adopted by DMV around the world. Real estate agency, bank, and any other government agency. The waste of time is signing a document and going to a registry office to authenticate and notarize the signature... or even go anywhere to just sign to sign a document. Guys, this is the revolution of the subscription bureaucracy. Congratulations!

Ana Paula Carvalho Figueiredo do Amaral

Excellent system, practical, easy and works very well. The best I've used to date.

Luiz Mário José da Silva

LM BDD Marketing

First because I'm a fanboy. And then because you have a wonderful solution and platform. <3

Jeanderson Machado

I liked the practicality and I intend to use it in our company's future contracts.

Frank da Silva e Silva

It solved many of my needs and thereby optimized my time.

Eduardo Da Gama Silva

CHEST Insurance

Fast, practical and extremely reliable, perfect service!!!

Dhan Vianna Sugui

Ease of use, the free initial plan helps a lot for those who want to start using it, the corporate plan has a very good price for those with a considerable volume of documents.

Charles Silva Cardoso

I Invest For You

because of the ease of use, the ability to send contracts for clients to sign, to be able to know when the person viewed the e-mail, opened it, signed it, and especially because I can use it for free, I am very satisfied with the authentication.

Paulo Lino

Cappadocia Design

Excellent tool. It made it much easier for us to sign our contracts. I recommend!

Engineering and Technology


Very practical and simple. Clients, even the most lay ones, don't have much difficulty creating accounts and signing contracts.

Bianca Ferreira Santos

MenuTri Nutrition Efficiency

Very easy and accessible platform, I started using it and now I can't imagine myself without it.

Tamiris de Aguiar Souza Albuquerque

Very easy to use and saves a lot of time and money when collecting signatures, in addition to giving us legal validity.

Victor da Cruz Valdivia Lopes

RVF Advogados

I liked the UI and experience, I found it simple and light to sign the document. Everything works well.

David Ortenzi

OrtenziaVila Lawyers

We use Autentique to sign office contracts, powers of attorney, and other documents from our clients with people from various locations and countries. In addition to full validity (USA, EU and Brazil)...

Moacir de Oliveira

Excellent tool, practical, fast and free!!!! Congratulations! I use it and recommend it.

Márcia Fernandes dos Santos

The platform's delivery is fantastic. The interface and user experience is excellent.

Keronlainy Francielly de Oliveira

For providing a range of advantages and practicality in everyday corporate life.

Gabriella Fernanda Rachid Gimenez

Very practical and agile!! In these pandemic times, it was essential for the work to proceed!

Felipe Pererira Soares

The best electronic signature control tool.

Diego Bernardes Nunes

So far it has been well liked by our customers and easy to use, we had no problems.

Carlos Ricardo Devai

CRD Accounting Advisory

Sensational, it helps me a lot with the office. It makes it easier to communicate and regulate remote service services!

Carlos Eduardo Macaggi Bortolon


Easy, fast and efficient. In addition to saving paper: the environment thanks you!

Cristiane Bertoli Lisieski

Very good platform! I always recommend it.

CHEST Seguros

Convenience in electronic signature and security. for you and your company. Excellent!!!!!!

Vinicius Zimbardi de Medeiros

Simple and efficient platform, it fulfills its role very well.

Thiago Fraga Habib

It meets my needs, the process is simple, and I like to monitor the status of the contract.

Rondon Carvalho De Sousa

Simple, practical and fast system, which is still free for those who use it sporadically, that is, have a social vision in such a selfish world. That's a blessing.

Daniel Rompa

Profile Design

I've never had problems signing electronically and it's very practical

Leonardo Rafael Superti


The system works very well, it's very easy to use, it has a lot of valuable features in the free version and I can't think of anything to complain about lol. I've recommended it to several companies.

Mileide Barreto

GWM Representations

Very efficient platform. Simplicity, efficiency, and support like never before.

Paulo Roberto Moschetta

Very cool, functional system and highly qualified attendants in their professional curriculum, with fantastic proactivity in service.

Daniel Gonçalvez

Autentique made my life easier, made it possible to do business remotely!!!! I love this app!

Daniela Fernanda de Paiva Barros

It's a great platform, it reduces document handling time and the cost of printed sheets!

Cauré Barbosa Portugal

Agile and hassle-free platform. Friendly environment and easy to work with.

Blumer Vinicius Pachu Silva

The platform is intuitive and very useful, without having to send the documents to be signed, since they are legally valid (electronic signature by e-mail), one of the best pages I found in 2019, if not, the best lol... Congratulations guys, keep it up, thankful!

Marco Aurelio Zulian

Extremely easy to sign documents, thus bringing more security to the company.

All electronic signatures

You can sign documents with the main types of signature used in Brazil and the rest of the world. Autentique support signatures With and without digital certificate in accordance with eIDAS regulation (EU 910/2014) and eSignature act, so you can choose the ideal model for your document.

Logo do ICP BrasilUm cadeado
Ícone com a forma de uma pessoa e um  checkmark flutuante a direita
Electronic signature

You and your signers don't need to acquire any additional devices or digital certificates. You can include as forms of verification:

Email verification
SMS verification
Verification by Whatsapp
Whole name
Document validation
Facial biometry
Ícone de um documento com um selo na frente
Qualified electronic signature

This signature uses a digital certificate issued by a qualified trust service provider (QTSP) which is officially recognized by an EU member state's regulatory authority.

A1 Certificate (Archive)
A3 Certificate (USB token or Smartcard)
Logo do ICP Brasil

How much does it cost?

15% discount


20 documents/month
Unlimited users
Unlimited signatories


US$ 19 monthly
US$ 179 per year
Unlimited docs
Unlimited users
Unlimited signatories Personalizing emails Subscription reminders Expiration reminders


starting from
US$ 499 monthly
US$5,599per year
Unlimited docs
Customized conditions
Tailor-made feature
Custom billing
Priority support
Fale conosco
Payment by Credit Card

The best prices on the market for API usage!

The Autentique API allows you to easily integrate electronic signatures into your system. It’s fast, secure, and scalable—perfect for those who want to automate processes without hassle!

Icone de um escudo com um checkmark no meio
Additional validation credits

Some actions in Autentique require additional validation credits (biometric validation) that are purchased regardless of the plan.

Professional plans receive
20 credits/month
on a monthly basis or
240 credits/year
on an annual basis.
10 credits
US$ 2
US$ 0.2/credit
50 credits
US$ 6
US$ 0.12/credit
100 credits
US$ 9
US$ 0.09/credit
500 credits
US$ 39
US$ 0.08/credit
1000 credits
US$ 69
US$ 0.07/credit
Gratuity for public agency: In celebration of Law 14,063/2020 and the expansion of electronic signatures in the public authorities, we are offering free professional plans for emails ending in,,,, and Activation is automatic and any account created with government emails can use the professional plan and all its benefits without any charge or expiration. We hope to do our part to simplify public processes.


Is there a fidelity period or a fine of

There isn't! You can cancel and reactivate the plan whenever you want, right on the dashboard. It is normal for companies that have seasonal contract renewal periods to sign only during this period and cancel soon after (such as educational institutions and courses during reenrollment periods).

If I delete a document on the free plan, can I create a new one?

No. Even if you delete the document, it will still count as a created document and will be deducted from the total for the month. Sorry, deleting the document does not return the credit spent to create it =/

Do contracts with the same clauses count as different documents?

Yes, if the signatories of the document are different, for all purposes they are totally different contracts. This occurs even if their content is identical, they will still be stored as separate documents and will have their own auditing processes.

Can I pay in installments for the annual plan?

Unfortunately not, the annual plan is cheaper because it is paid in a single installment at the time of hiring. If you would like to pay in several parts, the monthly plan would be ideal.

What happens if I don't pay the monthly plan fee?

After the expiration of your organization You will return to the free plan and all the documents you created during the professional plan period are still available without any loss. The plans are prepaid, so you won't owe us any installment under any circumstances, not interest, or anything like that. The plan just cancels and that's it, you can reactivate it when you need it again.

Is an invoice issued?

Of course! As soon as the plan payment is processed, the invoice is automatically issued. You can access all invoices directly from the Autentique dashboard and even generate a public link so your finance  or accountant team can directly access all the invoices issued by Autentique for you and download them whenever needed.