Refund Policy

This policy defines the situations and methods for refunds offered by Autentique.


To help you understand our terms, this section provides the definitions used and what they refer to:

  • Company: When this policy refers to “the company” or “we,” it is referring to Autentique LLC, which is responsible for this refund policy.
  • Customer: When this policy mentions “customer” or “subscriber,” it refers to the user of Autentique who has subscribed to a plan and is requesting a refund.
  • Plan: When this policy refers to a “plan” or “service,” it refers to the plan subscribed to by the customer who is requesting a refund.
  • You: The person who is a customer of an Autentique plan or service and is requesting a refund.

Refund Policy

Thank you for subscribing to an Autentique plan. We are thrilled that you are using a system we developed, and we want to ensure you have the best possible experience—even if you discover that our product isn't right for you!

As with any purchase relationship, your use of Autentique is subject to certain legal terms and conditions. This refund policy aims to simplify these terms as much as possible so you know when you can request a refund for your plan and how to do so.

This refund policy applies when:

  • You paid for an Autentique plan.
  • You are the account holder of the plan.
  • The paid period has not yet fully passed.

When Can You Request a Refund?

We are committed to delivering the best experience and service quality possible with Autentique products. Unfortunately, in some cases, certain incidents may make the experience not as we would like. In such cases, we may refund your plan either partially or fully.

You may request a refund in the following situations:

  • The signed plan does not correspond to what was advertised by Autentique on any official channel. For example: if the features are not the same as advertised or do not function as described by Autentique, or if there is a reasonable misunderstanding that led the customer to error.
  • A technical issue with Autentique prevented use for more than 2% of the month’s availability, as recorded on the Autentique status page.
  • You did not use, or will not use, the plan during the contracted period.

Full and Partial Refunds

The amount of refunds depends on the type of plan:

  • For monthly plans, the refund will be full and always refer to the current monthly period. It is not possible to refund previous periods unless under exceptional circumstances, which may be considered at Autentique’s discretion.
  • For annual plans, the refund will be full if requested within the first two months of the plan’s validity and partial during the subsequent period. The refund will also apply to the current annual period.

In the case of a partial refund, Autentique reserves the right to decide on the refund and the amount to be refunded depending on the user’s usage during the refund period.

How to Request a Refund

It’s easy—just contact us through the online chat directly on the platform, or send an email to from the email address associated with the plan, requesting the refund and, if necessary, explaining what happened to warrant the request.

For refunds of payments made by credit card or PIX, the refunded amount will always be returned directly to the credit card or PIX address used for payment, via their own refund procedure. This is usually instant once the refund is processed.

For refunds of payments made by bank slip (boleto), you will need to specify a bank account or PIX key for the refund. This process may take a few days to complete.

What to Do If Your Case Is Not Covered by the Refund Hypotheses

If your case is not covered by the refund hypotheses but you believe it should be refunded, please contact us. The goal of this policy is not to keep your money but to avoid abuse of Autentique’s terms, where individuals might attempt to use the platform for free or pay less for plans. If we find that you are not doing this, we will be understanding and do our best to resolve the issue and ensure you are as satisfied as possible.